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March 24, 2017
Democracy Dies in the Newsrooms and Editorial Boards
London, England, March 22nd, 2017
Combining ideologically-driven pig-ignorance with overt anti-Trump propaganda, "Time" Magazine's latest issue features this idiotic cover:

Ironically, it's rather an appropriate one this week but for reasons the hacks at "Time" don't quite get (or perhaps they do and are understandably quiet about it). Last Wednesday, another "lone-wolf-whose-motive-we-may-never-know" went on a murderous rampage in the heart of London, mowing down several pedestrians with a car, then stabbing a police constable to death in front of the Houses of Parliament before being shot and killed himself. Almost immediately, the apologists were out in force, preemptively damning anyone who dared lay the blame at the feet of the 1,400-year-old fanatical gorilla in the room.
At least there is one woman in Blighty who is making sure the truth still has a pulse; Katie Hopkins has the guts to tell it like it is, amazingly in a mainstream UK paper of all places.
No anger for me this time. No rage like I've felt before. No desperate urge to get out there and scream at the idiots who refused to see this coming.
Not even a nod for the glib idiots who say this will not defeat us, that we will never be broken, that cowardice and terror will not get the better of Britain.
Because, as loyal as I am, as patriotic as I am, as much as my whole younger life was about joining the British military and fighting for my country-I fear we are broken.
Not because of this ghoulish spectacle outside our own Parliament. Not because of the lives rammed apart on the pavement, even as they thought about what was for tea. Or what train home they might make.
But because this is us now.
This is our country now.
This is what we have become.
To this, we have been reduced. . .
. . . As the last life-blood of a police officer ran out across the cobbles, the attacker was being stretchered away in an attempt to save his life.
London is a city so desperate to be seen as tolerant, no news of the injured was released. No clue about who was safe or not.
Liberals convince themselves multiculturalism works because we all die together, too.
An entire city of monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb.
Read it all and weep for England and Europe, and the future of this country if we do not stop this insanity now.