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March 20, 2017
Hillary Clinton Announces That She's "Ready to Come Out of the Woods"

Transsapien activist Lester "Marcy" Bigfoot applauded Hillary for her "bravery,"
then went back to eating an elegant lunch of locally-sourced farm-to-table grubs
She's back.
Hillary Clinton said she was "ready to come out of the woods" during a St. Patrick's Day speech on Friday night in Pennsylvania in front of an overflow crowd -- an indication that she plans to shed the low profile she has kept since the election.
"I'm like a lot of my friends right now. I have a hard time watching the news, I'll confess," she said, according to a video of the event. "I am ready to come out of the woods and to help shine a light on what is already happening around kitchen tables, at dinners like this."
I have decoded that as "I am ready to start fundraising for my Foundation again, and pushing my daughter into a spotlight she plainly withers under."
Ms. Kingsley, who described herself as a Clinton supporter, said the atmosphere in the room during Mrs. Clinton's speech was "ecstatic."
This happened on Friday.
Yeah I know it's old.
By the way, if this all sounds familiar to you, you're not alone: Hillary Clinton has a long history of declaring "I'm back."
And yes, previous audiences have been reported as being in ecstasy too:
The fairgrounds were packed with "Ready for Hillary" supporters waving "Ready" signs and handing out bumper stickers. The much younger activists' bright blue and green shirts stood out in the crowd of mostly older lifelong activists there to pay tribute to [Tom Harkin, announcing his retirment, in whose honor the rally was actually for]. They, like the Clintons, were careful not to overshadow the hosts, waving "Thank you, Tom" signs, but the cheers for the Clintons were louder than for anyone else.
Yes, she's like Elvis, Media.
The media can't stop itself from claiming that the frumpenproletariat Hillary Clinton and her charmless daughter are electric, inspiring personalities.
Can you feel the pulse-pounding sense of excitement that's sweeping the nation in the wake of the sudden rise to media prominence of superwoke everywoman Chelsea Clinton?
The media's been so long in the business of promoting Clinton candidacies they just don't know what to do with themselves except carry on carrying on.