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March 14, 2017
Texas Democrat Legislator Proposes Fines for Masturbation to Prove Something About Something Else
The left is all bothered by rightwing trolls, but they've been trolling society for 50 years.
Texas state representative has introduced legislation that would fine men for masturbating and require them to undergo counseling before obtaining a prescription for Viagra, in an effort to highlight anti-abortion laws that place restrictions on women.
The legislation introduced by state Rep. Jessica Farrar (D) would impose a $100 civil penalty for "masturbatory emissions" that take place outside of a woman's vagina or a hospital. Each incident would be "considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life," the bill reads.
Farrar's measure -- which she dubbed "satirical" -- would allow doctors to refuse to conduct vasectomies, write prescriptions for Viagra or perform a colonoscopy if those actions violate the doctor's personal, moral or religious beliefs. Patients would be required to wait 24 hours before a procedure is performed, and doctors would be made to read a state-printed booklet, "A Man's Right To Know," to the patient.
Doctors would also be required to perform a "medically-unnecessary digital rectal exam" and an MRI before performing vasectomies or colonoscopies or before prescribing Viagra.