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New Republic Writer: Hey Let's Have A De Facto Divided Country With Nigh-Absolute Power Residing In the States »
March 13, 2017
Social Justice Warrior Special Snowflake Harangues Scott Spicer at Apple Store, Calling Him a Fascist, Criminal, and Traitor, and Then Whines About It Later
His parting words to her were "Such a great country that allows you to be here like this," that is, allowing you to express yourself in public.
She's claiming he threatened to deport her.
It's very strange -- these people are constantly whining about the "threat" the Trump Administration presents to them, but then act as if they're not very afraid of the very "threat" they claim is so palpably close.
Are they simply super-brave? I suppose that's what they want you to conclude.
It could also just be that they're hysterics who know there's no damn threat but who have a narcissist's need to draw attention to themselves.