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March 09, 2017
So Some Guy Says He Was Digging Into a Rabbit Hole and Discovered a 700 Year Old Cave Complex Used by the Knights Templar for Secret Meetings
There is a dispute on how old the caves are -- some guy claimed they merely dated from the 17th century. Well, that's still pretty old in my book.
Pretty cool, though if you put candles in a cave it's gonna look cool automatically.

In related news, Dan Brown just emailed me to say "It moved." Then he started babbling about the Sacred Feminine and I put him into the killfile.
This is only tangentially related, but let's throw in a political point for people bored by awesome things like secret Templar crypts: Jonathan Turley notes that the media, which claims to be against #FakeNews, is calling upon noted liar James Clapper to refute claims of natsec wiretapping, even though he's lied about that before, and other noted liar Jonathan Gruber to dispute the GOP's bill of indictment against Obamacare, even though he has lied about that, and then lied about lying. (When he was caught on tape saying that the distinction between state and federal health programs' eligibility for subsidies was intentional -- a statement that could have gotten Obamacare ruled unconstitutional -- he went into Protect the Party mode and claimed he was just makin' shit up when he said that.
I call this semi-related, because Turley writes an awesome intro describing these guys as a risen from the crypt:
In the midst of the raging controversies over secret surveillance and new healthcare plans, there were some curious and unsettling sightings in the coverage. Individuals once thought to have passed from political existence reappeared to hold forth on the very subjects of their demise.
In ancient times such figures were called druagr or, in Old Norse, revenant. The two most recent revenants were James Clapper and Jonathan Gruber. They are ample proof that no one really dies in Washington; their scandals just fade away.
That's some quality Dungeons & Dragons, Three Little Books Original Set, political rhetoric right there.