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March 09, 2017
The NY Times: Pompous And Arrogant As Always, But This Time With Even Less Self-Awareness

Photo courtesy of Moronette "WowPromo"
[According to "WowPromo," these ads are all over NYC. She took this photo in Midtown.]
This is the newspaper that has yet to disavow Walter Duranty's 1932 Pulitzer Prize. You know....one of their crack reporters who loved the truth so much that he lied about what Stalin was doing in Ukraine for years, just so that he could continue to tout the party line to unsuspecting Americans.
What was Stalin doing in Ukraine? Killing Ukrainians by the millions. It's called the Holodomor, and it was hidden from the world with the help of the New York Times. And the Pulitzer committee is no better. They chose to allow the NYT to keep the prize.
So any time anyone trots out the NYT as a beacon of truth and hope in the midst of Trump's internment camps and mass starvations and pussy-grabbing and mean tweets, just remind them of good old Walter.