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"Why I Am Not a Feminist," By Jessica Crispin »
March 07, 2017
These Men Who Have Written Books Have Silenced My Own Ability to Write a Book
A lot of -isms -- racism, Islamism, feminism -- seem not so much concerned with lifting their Favored Groups up as knocking Disfavored Groups down.
Even if you're a racist or sexist, as leftist identity politics groups are (but we're not allowed to say that), shouldn't your focus be on giving a hand up to your own group, rather than hobbling the hated out-groups?
PS, in the time it took these idiots to turn all these books around, they could have written or mostly written the first draft of one chapter of a novel, with only 24 or so more to go.
Just like the way they enter Gender Studies departments to write endless autoethnographies about the barriers keeping women out of STEM programs, instead of, you know, just entering a STEM program and Defeating the STEM Patriarchy.
This seems to be a failing of those who use a religion as a means of bullying other people: They talk a lot about what other people should be doing (or not doing), and not so much doing (or not doing) those thing themselves.
But you do you, militant sexists. I'm sure the whining about not writing your novel will help conjure that novel into existence.