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Saturday Morning Weird News Dump »
March 04, 2017
EMT 03/04/17 quvHa'ghach edition
Story of the week: So much MSM bombast and overwrought projections were covered this past week, but the biggest bombshell of fake news took place in our own sidebar, when correspondent "WeirdDave" made the egregious error of completely misreporting the details of the life, and I am sure: the coming reserection, of "Joji".
Stock image of average Japanese Man preparing to engage 6 Tonnes of Pr0n.
Luckily, Ace himself was on the job, and made a necessary correction, but in the interest of higher standards we often excoriate the MSM for falling so far from, I felt it necessary to draw your attention to the correction here, on the main page.
In the words of Ace:
maHvaD tuHmoH SoH Hoch qa'maj 'ej nojtaHghach He'So' quvHa'ghach, WeirdDave.
'quvHa'ghach' indeed, WD.
'quvHa'ghach' indeed.

posted by krakatoa at
06:00 AM
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