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February 09, 2017
Chris Cuomo: Saying "Fake News" to a Journalist Is The Same As Calling a Black Person the N-Word
Oh, yessss. Nailed it!
You must have a background in carpentry because you sure are good at nailing things deep and flush.
What. A fucking. Imbecile.
"Fake news is the worst thing you can call a journalist," he added. "It's like an ethnic disparagement."
"Wait, Ace!" I can hear the commenters I don't like very much saying. "You said he used the 'n-word.' All you've given us is 'ethnic disparagement.' You're giving us fake news, hypocrite."
You were warned, you had it explained in the headline, and yet you persisted. Keep your skirt on Sacajewea, I'm not done ripping off the DC Caller yet.
Cuomo repeated his claim during an interview on Sirius XM POTUS' The Michael Smerconish Program later on Thursday.
"The only thing that’s bothersome about it, is that I see being called 'fake news' as the equivalent of the n-word for journalists, the equivalent of calling an Italian any of the ugly words that people have for that ethnicity," he explained. "That's what fake news is to a journalist."
This is among the stupidest motherfuckers working in cable television, and there's an awful lot of tediously stupid motherfuckers working in cable television.
Now this functionally brain-damaged toad is on his inevitable apology tour.
"I was wrong," Cuomo tweeted in response to the backlash stemming out of his comments on CNN and Sirius XM radio. "Calling a journalist fake -nothing compared to the pain of a racial slur. I should not have said it. I apologize."
These stupid status-panic motherfuckers are forever droning on about Trump's ego and how he takes every slight as a vicious attack, but what are these dullards and Legacy Admission students doing but "thinking" with their bloated-but-brittle egos, defending the Privileges and Immunities conferred upon them by nothing except their delusions?
More from Bre Payton at the Federalist.