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February 08, 2017
Mid-Morning Open Thread

Lady with a Harp: Eliza Ridgely
Thomas Sully
Eliza plays the harp at The National Gallery of Art. She was part of some early experiments in genetic manipulation, and was the product of an unfortunate laboratory accident in which some giraffe DNA was inadvertently mixed with her mother's....
Although she may very well have possessed luminous eyes, arched brows, and a porcelain complexion, Miss Ridgel''s figure has been greatly idealized. Sully, for the sake of fashionable elegance, exaggerated her legs to half again as long as any conceivably normal proportion. Sully once wrote, "From long experience I know that resemblance in a portrait is essential; but no fault will be found with the artist, at least by the sitter, if he improve the appearance."