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January 23, 2017
The Morning Report 1/23/17

Good morning, kids. We're loaded for bear as the first full week of the Trump era kicks off. I'm sure none of you are surprised in any way, shape or form that George Soros is backing the protests both here and abroad. And that if she had her way, the lovely and charming organizer of the Women's March, Linda Sarsour, would force half a million lemmings to change their pussy hats to burqas. I'm so pleased she serves on a NYC immigration commission and is close friends with DeBolshevik. Other than that, one item of note is a dark horse candidate for Trump's first SCOTUS pick, Neil Gorsuch. Frankly, I thought Trump would go for the jugular by nominating someone like Mike Lee, but I think the strategery is you go to the mattresses with the first pick and it forces the Dems to expend all their political capital to oppose him, ensuring smooth sailing for your next picks. But Dems are Dems and will oppose every pick vehemently. We shall see. Anyway, have a better one and remain blessed.