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January 21, 2017
EMT 01/21/17 "" edition.
Look, I'm happy the inauguration took place, and all the right people are mad and/or sad, but I'm a little disappointed that Trump hasn't sent me my brownshirt and jack-boots yet. I suppose the delivery was intercepted by those with a more traditional need, judging from yesterday's "mostly peaceful" "protests" by "activists" and "good citizens" "concerned" for "their" safety.
Fascism, to borrow a phrase, is always descending on the right, but landing in the progressive left.
The root issue, if I may be so bold as to offer my opinion, is that the left, generally bereft of the ability to enjoy life as it is, finds its greatest sense of spiritual fulfillment in the pursuit of life as they deem it should be; of their idealized conception of a higher humanity.
Pursuit of a world of "hyperhumans", as it were.

posted by krakatoa at
06:19 AM
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