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Thursday Overnight Open Thread (12/29/16) »
December 29, 2016
Kurt Schlicter: Tell Them I'm Comin' and Hell's Comin' With Me
Civil society is dead and we know who killed it. There is no sense pretending a dead man is a living one.
I wish I could tell you that, having dodged the naggy bullet that was Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, we can now spend the next four years being left alone. But that's not in the cards. Liberals won't -- because they can't -- pause to reflect on how they should stop being such insufferable jerks and live with us normals in peace and mutual respect. Instead, they are doubling down on their gambit for unrestrained power over every aspect of our lives, fueled by a hatred for Donald Trump that is, in reality, a hatred for us.
Remember, they really do hate us. Just ask them.
Just watch what they do. They will always side against us -- even when a professional scammer stages a fake "hate crime" on an airplane. They will side with the hoaxer even though every single "Trump-inspired hate crime" -- and almost all others -- turns out to be a hoax. Every. Single. One.
When it comes down to it, they are more worried that some buffoon will sneer at a woman trapped in burka than that the psychotic creep who stuck in it will butcher a bunch of normal Americans while shouting "Allah akbar!" We have to say "No" -- normal lives matter.
Understand that they will not stop. They will not change. We must therefore defeat them, because otherwise there will be no peace.
Read the whole thing. The GOP is filled with Golden Age Nostalgists, as any conservative party will be.
But nostalgia for the age of basic civility and humanity in public behavior should not blind anyone to the fact that that age is as dead as Calvin Coolidge.
And people need to begin asking themselves: What is more likely to produce the Peace State of civic affairs the nostalgists pine for -- treating the enemy with the same level of discourtesy and contempt as he treats us (therefore inflicting a penalty on him for continuing his course of behavior), or allowing him all the pleasure of inflicting cruelty (and don't kid yourselves -- cruelty is pleasurable, that's why so many are so happy to indulge in it) without ever having the same cruelty inflicted back on him?
There is no point trying to make them merely empathize with their victims -- they don't believe their victims are truly human. There is no juice in the empathy tactic.
The only possible tactic is to make them hurt until they sue for peace.
An eye for an eye makes the world blind, they say.
But, on the other hand: If you've blinded your enemy, at least he will have a great deal of trouble hitting you with any further rocks. You'll be blind too, alas, but -- you don't have to worry too much about the blind man continuing to pelt you.