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December 22, 2016
A Delicious Skewering Of The Talentless Abortion Aficionado (AKA Lena Dunham)
Katie Hopkins, who is a bit of a gadfly in Britian, has skewered Lena (FUPA) Dunham in her column in the Daily Mail. Fat? Female? Poor little Lena just loves being a victim. Let's hope she never finds out the real meaning of the word is a cutting, nasty destruction of Dunham, who seems to be struggling to remain in the spotlight.
But Hopkins also takes a few lovely shots at Hillary and her campaign based on vicitmhood....
You cannot be a credible young person these days without being a victim. Or even better a persecuted minority. Or the gold standard - discriminated against.
Even if you blatantly have to misappropriate a cause because the most challenging thing you've fought is genital warts.
The Clinton campaign was a perfect example. She was one big ol' bitch in a pant suit, barking to any American who felt like the underdog; female, gay or Hispanic. Preferably all three.
Hopkins is a fan of free speech, even for embattled England, and she does not shirk her responsibility to take full advantage!
'My life is and always will be devoted to reproductive justice and freedom,' said Lena.
No it is not you daft trout. Your life is devoted to trying to position yourself as chief cheerleader for every man-hating opportunity there is.
Posing for pictures. Then calling out the guy on photo-shop for trying to make the images a little less frightening. Being overweight and trying to celebrate it, like diabetes type II is the new feminist frontier.
I expect she wakes up every day wishing she was black, so she could truly own that cause too.
Hopkins understands that co-opting victimhood is a proxy for actually doing something serious for people who are incapable of substantive work or thought.
The whole column is an epic ass-kicking of the child-molesting attention whore, and by extension her weak-willed compatriots in the grievance industry.
Read it.