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December 08, 2016
Geraghty: Faithless Electors Aren't "Brave;" They're Attention-Seeking Narcissists Who Deserve Mockery and Contempt
I'm not even juicing that headline.
He talks about Chris Suprun, the idiot who recently announced he would break his solemn oath to vote according to the law for the candidate the state's voters chose, and instead substitute his own "conscience" and vote for a better Republican -- John Kasich, actually.
Geraghty points out that Suprun didn't have this self-created dilemma thrust upon him -- he actively ran for the position of elector, after knowing it was 99% certain Trump would win the state.
Thus, while he wants to be hailed as a hero, he should properly be villified as someone who lied his way into office knowing full well he intended to break his solemn promise to the voters.
Suprun didn’t just sign on for this; he actively campaigned for it. He urged other Republicans to trust him.
And he signed an oath vowing to vote as the state -- not he himself -- decided.
In such circumstances, faithless electors are not brave or honorable.... [N]ow they want to break their word, take a public stand, and be hailed as heroes by the considerable throngs of Trump critics. Don’t give them this. Mock their lack of foresight or stubborn refusal to accept the consequences of their actions....
They're preening narcissistic idiots who want to be rewarded for refusing to keep a promise, and they should be treated as such.
Hear, hear.
As I keep saying, there's a lot of picking and choosing among the #NeverTrump camp about which principles Sacred Honor requires them to strictly keep.
Honesty in word and deed seems to be very expendable principle.
The most important "principle"? Preening. Constantly. Unceasingly. Hysterically.