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December 02, 2016
Religons Of The World And What Is Acceptable
In case you don't recall, A&E TV has a program called Duck Dynasty. A family (The Robertson's) of rednecks who struck it big with duck calls. Silly show. Sometimes funny, sometimes entertaining.
The Robertson's show doesn't discuss politics or culture. The ending of the show concludes with dinner and a dinner prayer. The patriarch of the Family, Phil Robertson spoke out about his beliefs off camera in a 2014 magazine interview. Of course his conservative Christian views about homosexuality were not accepted by the MSM. After a brief suspension because of Phil's off-screen comments, Duck Dynasty returned to A&E's lineup.
Fast forward to 2016. HGTV has a remodeling show "Fixer Upper" featuring Chip & Joanna Gaines. I've seen it a few times. They appear to be nice couple and seem to do a good job. No religious overtones that I've seen.
One problem, the Gaines belong to a church where SSM is not accepted. The Gaines' have kept their mouth shouts but are under pressure to state their beliefs.
So Christians who stay true to their beliefs are fair game? Right? Well, if Christians are to be held accountable for their beliefs. What about Muslims?
So if the Gaines' church and pastor can lead to their suspension and/or termination. (Stay tuned) What about a Muslim congressman?
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) hasn't come out publicly for the exclusion of SSM. But it appears that his Imam has.
“It’s not within our paradigm, really, to change the word of God,” said Imam Makram El-Amin, leader of Masjid Al-Nur in Minneapolis. “Our religion is clear about this matter. It’s not a lifestyle that we accept as being part of the natural way of things for human beings. When it comes to that, that’s my position, and that’s Islam’s position. And this incident as tragic and terrible as it is that does not change that,” he said.
Until Congressman Ellison comes forth and denounces his Imam, his mosque and anti-homosexuality Keith Ellison is not in a position to run the DNC. Hell, he shouldn't even be a congressman. We won't even get into his Anti-Semitism and his ties to the Nation of Islam.
If we can't have a Christian couple star in a 30 minute cable show about home fixer uppers, certainly we can't have an anti-homosexual bigot run the DNC.
But when it comes to the hypocrites left we know which religion is acceptable, don't we?
[Note: Ace is taking the day off to attend to some things, so it'll be mostly cob-on-cob action today. --OregonMuse]

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
12:05 PM
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