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November 30, 2016
Obama On Why Democrats Failed: See, It's Because FOXNEWS! Is On the TV In "Every Bar and Restaurant"
Really. Because the only news channel I ever see in any public venue is CNN.
In an interview with decrepit hippie Jann Wenner, the guy who blames every defeat on the media (Fox in particular) and "messaging" blames the newest defeat on, get this, the media (Fox in particular) and "messaging:"
The challenge is people are getting a hundred different visions of the world from a hundred different outlets or a thousand different outlets, and that is ramping up divisions. It's making people exaggerate or say what’s most controversial or peddling in the most vicious of insults or lies, because that attracts eyeballs.
In this election, [white working class voters] turned out in huge numbers for Trump. And I think that part of it has to do with our inability, our failure, to reach those voters effectively. Part of it is Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country, but part of it is also Democrats not working at a grassroots level, being in there, showing up, making arguments. That part of the critique of the Democratic Party is accurate. We spend a lot of time focused on international policy and national policy and less time being on the ground. And when we're on the ground, we do well.
The guy who only interrupts his Golfing Administration to do public rallies and bathe in the electricity of cultish adoration claims, once again, that he's too busy doin' hard policy stuff to really engage "on the ground."
Of course, that's also another backhanded slap at Hillary -- he ripped her for not being on the ground enough during the campaign.
I saw two points made about Obama's claims on Twitter: Michelle Malkin noted that Obama and Hillary had ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, 95% of print newspapers, Hollywood movies, most network TV shows, PBS, the academy, most professional organizations, etc., all flacking for them. But a single dissenting tone in the chorus, like Melchion's discordant song in the Simarillion, apparently injected Evil into the otherwise untainted world.
RedSteeze said he'd like the media to ask Obama which bars and restaurants he's been to that had FoxNews on.
That's a good question. As I said above, I've never personally seen FoxNews on in any public venue. It's too "controversial." It would be like, as in that episode of Seinfeld, having Penthouse magazines on the side-tables in a dentist's waiting area.
Oh, and do enjoy this article about the media's unhinged foot-stomping over Trump's win, which shows little sign of abating.