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Saturday Gardening Thread: Kansas? We're in Kansas? [KT] »
November 26, 2016
Thread below the Gardening Thread: 26Nov16 [KT]
Serving your mid-day open thread needs
Earlier posts: Weird News and Castro is Dead
When not confronting family members, what have progressives been doing during Thanksgiving Week? This for one thing:
Robert Reich: How to resist Donald Trump's first100 days
Trump's First 100 Day agenda includes repealing environmental regulations, Obamacare, and the Dodd-Frank Act, giving the rich a huge tax cut, and much worse. Here's the first 100 days resistance agenda [with thanks to Alan Webber]
They're so cute when they're angry.
Via Maggie's Farm yesterday. Lots of other good stuff there, too.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:58 AM
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