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November 26, 2016
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
A belated Happy Thanksgiving from the Ace of Spades Pet Thread, staff, management and sponsors.
Grab a piece of pie, pumpkin whatever and lets discuss pets.
So did you all survive Thanksgiving? Sure hope so.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Are you considering an addition to your home? Would that addition be a puppy? You might want to consider a shelter dog. h/t L, Elle
Wonderful! Just wonderful!!! Not only does your significant other remember what you did, so does Fido, your doggie.
Every. Single. Time.
One of the disadvantages of walking your dog in an urban city is the poop patrol.Not sure if this will work. A Setter's tail is always moving awfully fast.
From Fat Boy to Skinny Jerk.
Meet The PetMorons
Lurker tankkiller 69 sent in these 2 photos.
"Daisy on top on cone of shame, and Reagan comfy in a blanket. Both are rescues. Daisy may be part Akita and Reagan part rotty and part German Shepard."
No it's not Two-fer Tuesday, but just how the emails came into us here.
"Long time lurker Smalls here. Loving the pet thread! Top photo is my beloved Solomon shortly before his death from a brain tumor a year ago. I so miss that face.
Bottom photo is Baxter. My husband and I adopted him last March.He's a pistol ! He had just been neutered in this pic and losing his balls didn't seem to phase him much!"
Lurker Phil has the following story, "This is Seven. Fans of Seinfeld will understand the name. He watched over me for nearly 13 years and enjoyed life to the fullest. Just look at him! Please feel free to share on the site if you can."
We could and thanks for sharing Phil.
Another Lurker submission. Thanks to all the Lurkers.
Here's the story of Miss Callie, "I'm Daveyardbird and I'm a lurker. The cat is a rescue named Miss Callie. She is so abused that she has taken full ownership of my brand new lazy-boy recliner. Everyday she waits in the front window for me to get home from work and upon seeing me get out of the car, she runs to the living room and lays on her back for a tummy rub."
Last but not least from John:"Just wanted to say thank-you for posting the pic of Jett and Bandit.
Here are my baby girls Ham(ilton) and Mad(ison) who both crossed the Rainbow Bridge last year at age 14. The picture of Mad is from my cross-country trip from CA to MO. The picture of My Little Hamster is a week before she crossed the bridge.
I adopted Jett the day after Ham crossed the Bridge."
Thank you regular commenters and Lurkers. Well, we have received another batch of photos. So we appreciate your patience while we get to all of them. If you need to reach us the address is petmorons at the gee mail. You and your animals have a great week.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:00 PM
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