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November 16, 2016
Lefties Are Unhappy That Rightwingers Communicate On Social Media; Plan To Squelch It
They're mad that we're allowed to talk. At all.
Twitter will be enhancing their 'mute' function and will make it easier not only for people to live in an exclusive bubble of pre-approved sentiments, but also to report others for abuse and hate speech.
Yes, yes, there are real trollish and racist abusers out there on Twitter. With their mean, hurtful words.
But in your heart, you know the intent is to muzzle you, you conservative swine. After all, who is more likely to report your political views as "hateful conduct" than the SJW neo-Victorian purity brigades? Nobody, that's who.
An aside: What really puzzles me about that story at the link is the reference to voter suppression on Twitter. How does that work, exactly? Since deleting my account, have I missed out on an opportunity to be oppressed?
Furthermore, Google and Facebook are implementing measures to yoink ads off of sites that contain content which they refer to as "fake news," thereby depriving those sites of income.
Lots of people think that the internet is full of 'fake news' and has too much influence over what other people can read and communicate to each other. This realization seems to have come to them rather suddenly, as a bolt from the blue, just in the last week.
Facebook's decision to clarify its ad policy language is notable because Mark Zuckerberg, the social network's chief executive, has repeatedly fobbed off criticism that the company had an effect on how people voted. In a post on his Facebook page over the weekend, he said that 99 percent of what people see on the site is authentic, and only a tiny amount is fake news and hoaxes.
"Over all, this makes it extremely unlikely hoaxes changed the outcome of this election in one direction or the other," Mr. Zuckerberg wrote.
Yet within Facebook, employees and executives have been increasingly questioning their responsibilities and role in influencing the electorate, The New York Times reported on Saturday.
My emphasis. The trouble with freedom, as always, is that people use it.
Fake news, eh? If you follow the links in the article, all the 'fake news' they refer to cuts against Hillary/ the left. There is no reference made or any concern about dodgy internet content that cuts against the Right.
But then for that, the NYT would have to cite itself and the rest of the DNC media apparatus. And we know that's not happening.

posted by Laura. at
11:20 AM
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