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November 12, 2016
Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Mis. Hum.]

h/t Legally Sufficient
Just goes to show you cats are cheap. Even rescue dogs cost more than a $20
Hi, welcome to the AoS Pet Thread. Did your pets need a safe space this past week? Your furniture doesn't count.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Meet The PetMorons
Our first submission this week is from Vitigator. Here's the story of these critters.
"I've always been a dog person and my husband loves cats but is allergic to them, but we just adopted (hired) these brothers for rodent patrol on our farm. They're just a few months old but already have learned the ropes and are putting a dent in our mouse and ground squirrel population... They sleep on the deck most of the day and wreak havoc at night. Kyle is the black and white and Stan is the tabby. They are super friendly and love to play, but the little piles of gore around the place bear witness to their nighttime activities..."

Long time lurker Desmondo shared this photo with us. Meet Snowball.
"If it was Sunday, Snoball got to go drinking with Dad. Best wingman ever. Pic taken at Siesta Key Oyster Bar."
Quite the trio!! No need to ask for consideration. They are adorable. How in the world did you get them to pose?
"Wanted to add my submission for your consideration. This is my dachshund horde Axel, Schnitzel, and Hans.
And I am Zombie Dachshund"
Lurker Ron submitted this photo of Duncan.
"Duncan checking out my tomato plants in the greenhouse. Sadly we lost Duncan to Cushings Disease last spring."
So sorry to hear that Ron. Duncan was a handsome dog.

We don't see many rabbits here. Mandy tells us the story.
"This is Biscuit, our family bunny. He lives in my son's room (hence the Star Wars bed sheets). The bunny is only about eight weeks old and still too young for his....junk to have descended so we're not actually sure if Biscuit is a he or she yet. Hopefully we will know pretty soon, but in the meantime I'm calling him a he and don't give a damn if he's "misgendered." 😉 And no, I didn't let him have my my coffee. He did seem to like how it smelled, though.
Mandy P., lurking lurker who lurks"
Dave's submission rounds out this week's PetMorons. Hats off to you for taking on these wonderful animals. They have a wonderful story to tell through Dave.
"Shown top to bottom.
We found Fargo abandoned across the street from us about six weeks ago. We have been nursing him back to health, and trying to flesh out his bones. We guess he is about 8 -10 years old.
Arden, we rescued 11 Years ago. We think she is about 13 years old.
Bailey walked up our driveway about 3 years ago. He is all hound, with a love of shoes."
That wraps it up for another week. What a fine group of animals. And thank you so much for sharing. If you have an animal related story, tip, video don't be shy. Send them in. Do you have a photo to share with us of your pet? Please submit that to us. We can be reached at petmorons@gmail.com

posted by Open Blogger at
02:30 PM
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