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November 05, 2016
Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Mis. Hum.]
Admit it. You feel safer don't you?
Welcome to the nearly world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. The place where animals make more sense than most things.
We appreciate it if you keep politics and current events out of the thread. Thanks.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
It's Time To Meet The PetMorons
Wendy submitted this story and photo about her dog Charlie.
"This was taken in his younger days on our sailboat (Morgan 34 if anyone asks.) We got him from the Mid-Florida Sheltie Rescue eight years ago. Charlie is now somewhere between 15 & 16 and struggling with weak muscles and arthritis. Otherwise, he's in good health. He still wants to lay between us and the door just in case we need protection (he's there now, sound asleep but ready.)"
Thanks for sharing.
A fine pair of German Shepherd Dogs owned by commenter Biergood.
This is what he has to say about this neat photo.
"Our two shepherds, Strider and Sasha. My wife Beth took the picture. She got lucky getting them both to tilt their heads at exactly the same time. She's tried several times since, but no luck."
Pretty cool photo.
Say hello to Jackson who appears to be a very mistreated dog. NOT. Jackson has a neat story that he would like to tell through his owner.
"This is Jackson. He was discovered years ago by my elementary school age kids on a flyer posted on a neighborhood mailbox. It read "free to a good home". Our boys brought the flyer home and told us "we have a good home!" He got along with our dearly departed dog Russ so he became part of the family."
Thanks for sharing Rihar, the infrequent commenter.
Davo had to say this about his pet, "This is Hugo. He is one of 5 and is very interested in the political discussion"
Looks like he can kick butt too we might add.
Commenter Ponytail submitted this photo of Tyler and a little bit about him. Here's his story.
"This is Tyler - some type of poodle-mix pup we rescued just barely 2 years ago. Oh my, he is the happiest, silliest, bounciest and cuddliest dog we have ever had - he has stolen our hearts. So glad we decided to rescue instead of going to a breeder."
He certainly looks like a happy dog.
Wrapping up the PetMorons today is Lurker Lisa. She submitted the following 2 photos of her kitten, Flynn and her dogs Boomer and Tucker.
Here is the story about these rascals.
" Anyway, below is our newest addition "Flynn" Patrick Murray. He's the youngest of the 12 Murray brothers and all signs point towards a fine feline life. In addition is Boomer, our English Retriever. The most handsome fella in the world. Just don't let it rain & thunder or all bets are off! In the corner and in my heart is our 6th schnauzer rescue.....Tucker Sallisaw McGee!!!! The beard, the eyelashes, the beard"
Thank you for stopping by today. And thank you for the submissions. A fine looking group of animals. If you have a tip, news item, or a photo of a pet. Please contact us at petmorons@gmail.com
Have a great week.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:38 PM
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