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October 27, 2016
Round-Faced Pseudoman "Media Critic" For CNN: Trump Is Using "Dehumanizing Language" About the Press and Serious You Guys He Needs to Stop!!!
It's not faaaaiiir!
So what Brian Stelter is saying is that the press has free reign to go after any citizen who enters the political sphere -- Joe the Plumber, Ken Bone -- and "vet" them until their eyes bleed, and also free reign to go after any private citizen who does not enter the political sphere -- like Taylor Swift -- and attack her for being Soft on Hate, but the press corps itself -- a very powerful institution with potent ability to force issues on to the public stage and, though they don't mention this much, an even more potent ability to force issues off the public stage -- must not be treated with the same vicious tactics with which they treat all of the private citizens on their Enemies List.
You've got my Media Privilege and Unearned Entitlement stuck in my Millennial Privilege and Unearned Entitlement! Wow! Two awful tastes that taste even worse together!
Incidentally, I asked Brian Stelter to comment upon the Washington Post's "dehumanizing language" in calling the Christian right "poor, uneducated, and easy to command" in 1993.
He, get this, has chosen not to respond.