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October 27, 2016
Totally Anecdotal Dept. [J.J. Sefton]
I Wonder If Goebbels' Casting Calls Looked Like This?
Yesterday afternoon, a show biz friend of mine forwarded me this casting notice. As I said, it's totally anecdotal, but after reading it, I detected more than a bit of a whiff of desperation. Note that the geniuses misspelled Bernie's name in several places as "Saunders." Also, it turns out the Bialystock & Bloom of this would-be masterpiece is some sort of Occupy Wall Street spin-off, The Other 98%. Not surprisingly they appear to be about 98% white. I'd wager they get their funding from George Soros or, as is now known, shakedown lucre from the Department of Justice. I wonder what Jill Stein supporters would say about this and, by extension, if this is actually the work of the Hillary camp. Anyway, it's nice to bask in the glow of Leftist disarray and Trump-fear, even for a little while.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:00 AM
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