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October 23, 2016
GunThread: Cleaning Tips And Other Assorted Drudgery [CBD]
Someone recommended this web site, and while I bookmarked it, I failed to note who pointed me in this direction, so my apologies to the unknown Moronette (I assume).
The Cornered Cat
This site is about women and guns, not about cats. But in a way, it's about the cornered cat in all of us. It's about the determination to get away from an attacker if you need to. It's about making the decision to say, "Not me. Not mine. Not today." And it's about the tools to make that decision stick.
Now that everyone has fired their postal match and submitted it, what brilliant tips do you have for The Horde for cleaning your pistol? I am a firm believer that more weapons have been ruined by cleaning than by firing. I do a quick wipedown to remove salt from my sweat, and powder residue, then scrub a bit with Hoppes #9 just because that's what my dad taught me. I try to fire a few FMJs at the end of the session to clean the barrel of some leading, and then a few strokes with a brush as I can get away with, a few swabs, and I am done with cleaning. A light coating of oil, and that is it.
But there are dozens of systems and hundreds of tools and swabs and brushes and benches, all designed to do something that most of us find mildly pleasant at best, but a PITA occasionally.
So what do you use? I have been eying those flexible barrel cleaners, but haven't pulled the trigger on them yet because I shoot so rarely that it simply isn't worth it.
Man....I really want one of these....
I compared it to the S&W and for my hand there was no comparison. Of course the gun store had a Colt Python too....for a mere $2,500. Ouch.
The claim was these had weak actions and were crappy, backward rifles.
posted by Open Blogger at
08:40 PM
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