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October 19, 2016
College: Where Young Adults Go To Have Their Minds Taught to Think Like Children
Oh, boy.
Hundreds of students marched through a 20-foot-tall inflatable vulva at The Arch on Friday afternoon following the unveiling of PUSSYGATE.
Student organizers hung the purple vulva from The Arch for students and community members to interact with. Spectators watched, took photos with and walked through the open vulva, which hung on display for more than two hours.
Organizers said they wanted students to form their own interpretations of the piece and declined further comment on PUSSYGATE.
For many students, PUSSYGATE served as a statement about the perception of vulvas in society.
"Vulvas carry a lot of shame in our society," Weinberg senior Ary Hansen said. "It's a statement about equality and about pussy pride."
Economically comfortable upper middle class women-toddlers who have never known much in the way of competition, conflict, or challenge sure seem very creative at imagining new, trivial ways in which they're being oppressed. It gives their cush lives some kind of drama, which in turn invests trivial, soft, vapid lives with something that could be mistaken at a distance for meaning.
When you've defined "achievement" as learning to name and "accept" your body parts -- well, Sister, you've set yourself up for a long string of easy wins. Because this shit? Is easy as fuck.
Little stupid babies would laugh at the "challenges" you've set your precious minds to "overcome."
Meanwhile, boys aren't exactly being fed the same message about Penis Pride and overcoming scrotum-shaming.
Gettysburg College freshman James Goodman began his first moments of higher education by being lectured by campus leaders about "toxic masculinity," he tells The College Fix in an interview.
Students who "identify as male" were shown a docudrama film about masculinity. The film, titled "The Mask You Live In," was part of the lessons warning students that the notion of masculinity comes with harmful side effects, he said.
According to the trailer of the film, it teaches that the "three most destructive words" a boy can hear growing up is "be a man." Experts quoted therein also suggest that violent outbursts are prompted by masculinity pressures because "respect is linked to violence."
"They really buy into a culture that doesn't value what we feminize," says scholar Dr. Niobe Way in the trailer, continuing that people of both genders will "go crazy" under that construct.
It's wrong not to value feminine qualities, say all the people who do not value masculine qualities.
Gee, seems to be a bit of disparate treatment.
Well, don't worry about it. In fifty years we'll all be chicks, as Adam Carolla says. The human race will be extinct, and will only be Problematic as a historical, intellectual matter for some advanced star-faring race of xenoanthropologists.
Oh, and this seems like the sort of important thing adults should be worrying about.
You know, there's a part in Brave New World where the ruling class of the future -- simultaneously sexualized down to the level of dogs, and infantilized to the level of, well, infants -- engage in a game called Orgy-Porgy, which is what it sounds like. It's a silly social excuse, masquerading as a "game," to just have an orgy.
I would say Brave New World is here.