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October 19, 2016
Fat-Positive Comedienne Amy Schumer Shames Paying Customers Who Didn't Think She Was Funny
By the way, when I say she's "Fat-Positive," I mean, of course, that she got her tests back from the lab, and they show her positive for being fat.
Heavyset, unfunny serial joke plagiarist Amy Schumer alienated a crowd in Tampa, Florida, by telling a series of jokes about Trump that she in all likelihood stole from last night's Full Frontal With Samantha Bee.
Yeah, the jokes were that lame. She called Trump something like a "orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster."
"She's the funniest person on the planet in all of the history of physical reality! She's like the Female Ghostbusters, only with a Tumblr account and a Subway Sandwich Saver Card!"
-- idiots at Vox, probably
But it wasn't just jokes about Trump. This Anger Eater, who is often a Sadness Eater, a Happy Eater, or a Not Feeling Any Particular Emotion But Just Kind of Chill in a Meh Sort of Way Eater, invited a Trump supporter on stage and ranked out on him personally.
Anyway, people booed and 200 people walked on on her.
I don't know what those people were doing in the crowd. Don't they know this plus-sized plagiarist's schtick? I can only imagine that something like this happened: The show didn't sell out, so they got desperate and began promoting the show through venues where they'd reach people outside the Amy Schumer Demographic, maybe offering discounted tickets.
So anyway, I imagine a part of the crowd wasn't familiar with the jowly joke-thief's overweight oevure.
The funny thing is, this husky harridan of a Social Justice Warrior is now playing the free speech card on those who failed to find her adorable.
She wrote this open letter to Tampa:
"Dearest Tampa, I'm sorry you didn't want me, a comedian who talks about what she believes in, to mention the biggest thing going on in our country right now," she said. "How could I think it was OK to spend five minutes having a peaceful conversation with someone with different views?"
Oh I get it -- it's funny because sarcasm.
Again, this thick-waisted thief, this polychinned plagiarist is constantly patrolling other people for Speechcrimes -- in fact, during the show, she attempted to group-shame her critics by instructing her minions to point at the people booing her, to shame them.
Now she's claiming that she's all into free speech -- but only when it's speech emanating, like a Taco Bell fart, from her own poorly-shaped mouth.
The balls on this one.
The big, pendulous, fat-man-with-drooping-spunkeggs balls.