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Hillary Is Not a "Soulless, Pragmatic Corporatist Who Will Preserve the Status Quo," as Pro-Hillary "Conservatives" Claim.
She Sees Herself as a Messianic Joan of Arc to Deliver the Left's Revelation to the Earth. »
October 17, 2016
96% of All Journalists' Presidential Campaign Donations Went to Hillary, Absolutely No One Surprised to Learn
Well, one person was surprised. Chris Cillizza. The Washington Post's hapless and ovoid hack who "covers" the presidential race.
That's jumbled, but if you click on each of the two gifs of the tweets embedded, you'll see the hapless and ovoid Chris Cilizza declaring that journalists are absolutely non-partisan one day, then, the very next day, being shocked and stunned that they overwhelmingly give to the Haggard Queen.
Full report on the liberal media's generous donations to Hillary here.
New Yorker television critic Emily Nussbaum, a newly minted Pulitzer Prize winner, spent the Republican National Convention pen-pricking presidential nominee Donald Trump as a misogynist shyster running an “ugly and xenophobic campaign.”
What Nussbaum didn’t disclose in her dispatches: she contributed $250 to Democrat Hillary Clinton in April.
On the nation’s left coast, Les Waldron, an Emmy Award-winning assignment editor at television station KFMB, the CBS affiliate in San Diego, swung right in July, shooting $28 to Trump.
And Carole Simpson, a former ABC “World News Tonight” anchor who in 1992 became the first African-American woman to moderate a presidential debate, is not moderate about her personal politics: the current Emerson College distinguished journalist-in-residence and regular TV news guest has given Clinton $2,800.