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October 09, 2016
Debate Thread: The Priestly Caste of the Conservative Right Gets to Be Outraged That Heterosexual Men Find the Female Form Pleasing, and Sometimes Make Jokes About it
As I'm sure you're all aware, it's been 48 hours since the Huge News that Donald Trump said a woman had nice legs, and was "hot," and then made what was clearly a joke -- "I can kiss any woman I like. It's incredible. You can do whatever you want when you're star. You can even grab their pussy."
Rather than taking this as what it obviously was -- a hyperbolic joke which relies on exaggerating the truth to the nth degree for a laugh -- the Aspergers Right has chosen to take it literally, that Trump is really out there grabbing on women's mishes.
Gee, I hope the Aspergers/Low T right has never read this site when we talk about hot woman. You know, when we make all sorts of Rape Threats and Assault Threats like --
I'd bang that like a screen door during a hurricane.
I'd hit that so hard that whoever pulled my dick out her mish would be crowned king of England.
I'd hit that so hard that I'd succeed in doing what no physicist has ever accomplished -- splitting the vagina atom.
That last gem from Empire of Jeff.
Gee, does the Aspergers Crew at National Review think that Ace of Spades readers are actually burying themselves like Excalibur in she-stones, or hittin' that shit so deep that new subatomic particles are birthed?
I don't even think you can actually split the Vagina Atom without use of an electron boring scanner -- maybe National Review should report Empire of Jeff for threatening to use a laser on some poor woman's womb.
So get ready to hear the Social Justice Warriors of the Aspergers Right go fucking bananas tonight.
As usual. As they've been doing now for a full year.
But it's not getting tedious having to listen to these shrieking unhinged she-men hissing and fainting all over themselves yet again.
Nope, not tedious at all. The stream of fainting-couch hysteria babbling out of their shrieky mouths is just so much background music for the rest of us by now.