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The Morning Report 10/11/16 [J.J. Sefton] »
October 10, 2016
Monday Night Overnight Open Thread (10/10/16) [Mis. Hum.]
It's Monday.
Let the fun begin!!
There really is reasoning behind the madness.
Why? Because.
Things that go boom.
Turn that shirt down. Actually a really cool development.
What happens with mercury and a toilet. h/t ComradeArthur
Cold water diver.
There is no place for fear, no place for panic, no place for mistakes. Under the ice, you need total control of the place, the time, and to trust yourself completely.
The NFL still doesn't get it. And until The Owners get rid of Roger Goodell ratings will continue to plummet.
Speaking of not getting it. Looks like the flu shot isn't worth it.
So Horde do you partake in the annual flu shot vaccination? Mrs. Mis. Hum. does because of her job but yours truly doesn't. This doesn't convince me to change my ways. Your thoughts?
Waffle House Index.
Some people need to get over themselves. Girls are girls, boys are boys. Do they have to suck the joy out of every bit of life?
"What can I get you girls?" It's one of the first things my friends and I always hear when we're ordering something in a restaurant or bar. Men of all demographics use the phrase, as do a lot of women. It's become so common that I don't even flinch at it anymore, even if it's something I don't particularly love hearing. If you really think about it, though, addressing a grown-ass woman as a girl is pretty problematic, and it's about time we considered nixing the word from our vocabulary entirely.
You have seen those Co-Exist bumper stickers? You know the ones with the various religious symbols spelling out Co-Exist.
Do you think the next Co-Exist bumper sticker will be fashioned out of boobs, vaginas and penises?
College junior Dipro Bhowmik, of the 4-person student leadership team, informed the Duke Chronicle that the indoctrination concerns "questioning how you can be accountable to feminism, to the women in your life and to the larger community." Excuse me, accountable to feminism? Why is it that modern feminism has been so radicalized that it cannot peacefully (and respectfully) coexist with men in their normal behavioral state?
As God as my witness I thought turkeys could fly.
Genius Award Winners. Or how brotherly love goes awry.
Feel good story of the day. A different type of bucket list wish.
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Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by pet peeves.
Posted by permission of AceCorp, LLC. Warning the ONT may or may not contain small pieces which may or may not pose choking hazards.
posted by Open Blogger at
10:28 PM
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