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October 05, 2016
"ClownLivesMatter" Objects to Profiling Clowns in Wake of Clown Attacks
Oh yeah, this isn't going to cause any Massive Social Media Freak-Outs or anything.
After a wave of creepy clown sightings and crimes committed by people in clown masks, professional clowns around the country are fighting back by declaring 'Clown Lives Matter.'
People in clown make up or costume have been spotted around the country in recent months, resulting in headlines questioning what exactly is going on. Many people have been frightened by the sightings and, in recent days, people dressed as clowns have begun robbing people.
They say the Clown Panic threatens their livelihood.
I get the joke and I kind of like the joke. I don't fault them for running with the joke.
They do know the world has gone crazy and will not permit any jokes about the media-political complex's precious agitators Black Lives Matter, though, right?
I hope they do.
Eh, I give the clowns some props for daring to make a harmless reference which should bother no one at all.
But we live in the days when such things are considered provocations to violence (with the leftist political-media complex cheering the violence on).