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September 28, 2016
Embarrassing: Fox Instructs Hosts Not to Cite Meaningless Online Polls Because They're Not Even Polls
They had to warn Sean Hannity about this.
Of course, Trump is out there complaining that the media isn't noticing how well he did in the "online polls."
Does Trump know these aren't real polls? Does he know these are just click-suck jerkoff-bait for people? Does he know "online polls" are just a progressive tax on desperation, ill-education, and idleness levied by 23-year-old neckbeards looking for an easy way to goose their traffic numbers?
I think he probably does, but that leads to the next problem: Someone who can't tell a plausible lie from an implausible lie is just as dumb as someone who doesn't even realize his claim is a lie in the first place.
Can the entire online right just get its shit together and finally comprehend there is no such thing as an "online poll"? It says right at the bottom: Not a scientific poll. For entertainment purposes only.
Which is itself a lie; they're not for your entertainment, they're there so that a site can pad its traffic stats for the day by getting ignorant people to link its stupid fake poll.
And that's why no one cites these polls: because they're not polls.
They're chum for the dumb.
Stop already. It's beyond embarrassing at this point.
Political Importance: Trump would be winning if he was pulling college educated voters at Romney's level, or even close to it.
He's doing very well with less-educated whites -- as he predicted.
However, he's lost huge support from college-educated whites.
This class is very class-conscience and proud to be "educated." They're very proud that they have degrees. Like 67 million other Americans, or about 31% of the US population age 25 and above.
It's not exactly winning the Heismann Trophy.
Yet they're very proud of their class status.
And they find it hard to support a man who seems to either 1, be far below their class status despite being wealthy, or 2, who seems only interested in catering to the ignorances of the less well-educated.
Stupid shit like this -- showing either ignorance of, or deceit about, a fact that any reasonably on-the-ball person knows -- hurts Trump far more than it helps him.
It's hard to vote for a guy you not only suspect you're smarter than (this happens in most elections) but are sure you're a lot smarter than.
Trump needs to stop playing to a base he's had since June 2015 and start playing for the votes he doesn't have, but absolutely needs, if he's to win.