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September 14, 2016
Now CNN/ORC: Trump Leads in Ohio and Florida
Well, I actually did not expect this. I was fighting on Trump's behalf not because I thought there was any point to it except I could not imagine what else I could possibly do except try to stop Hillary from being president.
I just thought it was a morally necessity to resist that outcome to the utmost -- even if any efforts expended were futile.
So I really don't even know what to say.
For a few weeks I've been saying "Well, if Trump doesn't overtake Hillary with all this bad news piling up for her, then it's over, and I can say 'I did my best, and I can just get back to blogging about nonsense," and I was half-hoping for that liberation.
I really did not expect this. I thought there was a chance -- 10%, 15%, something low -- but that it was unlikely.
Now you're telling me this buffoon could actually win?
Then again, this race has shown it is almost nothing but dramatic shifts and sudden reversals, and you'd be foolish to think it's done surprising us.
And don't forget the Toricelli Option.
The Democrats love power a hell of a lot more than they love Granny "Shakes" McFaceplant.
Meanwhile, Bill Clinton said Hillary had "the flu," which she doesn't have, according to her campaign spin. I guess he totally doesn't know what disease his wife is alleged to have
And her doctor did what everyone expected her to do -- claimed she was in the pink of health, didn't bother explaining the whole seizure/convulsion thing that literally everyone in the world has now seen.