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September 12, 2016
Hot New Take: Gold Medalist Pickle Jar Opener, Hillary Clinton, Toughin' Through Illness Just Like All You Strong And Amazing Women Out There Do Every Single Day Of Your Lives---Warden
Being tossed into the back of a car like a sack of Scotts Step 3 Lawn Fertilizer after completely losing control of her ability to remain upright just shows how incredibly resilient Hillary Clinton is.
Vaginas, is there anything they can't do?
The desperation continues over at Huffpo.
A 68-year-old woman, with pneumonia, still kept a schedule that most of us wouldn’t make it through, flying here and there, holding multiple events and briefings a day.
That’s not weak. That’s actually strong and tough as hell.
I smell fear.
Bonus [ace]: ArthurK (@comradearthur) sent this my way. It's from the New Yorker. You know, the terrible archliberal magazine that thinks it's smart because it uses an umlaut over the second o in zoography that runs bad cartoons that make no sense.
Well, this one does make sense. I can't say it's witty, but... well, it's mean.
I'll take mean.
Another bonus, via Mr. Snerdley: Phrasing!
One more: Cokie Roberts says that Democrats are "whispering nervously" about the possible need to pull a Torricelli Option on Hillary.
And one more: CNN's soft-faced, hanggog Social Justicey "media critic" looked into the Hillary heath issue, and determined this was just part of a narrative of portraying women as "weak."

posted by Code Red at
03:53 PM
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