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September 02, 2016
Prepare Yourselves: Hillary Clinton, Get This, Lied About Whether She Received a Security Briefing
She filed paperwork stating she had (as the law required), but then, to evade the implications of her actions (that is, so she could play dumb about Criminal Intent), she told the FBI she hadn't attended them.
One of these two statements is false.
I guess we can never peer inside the Black Box of Hillary's Brain-Damaged Memory to see which is true.
Open thread, and happy weekend.*
* Actually, I'm following this story out of intense personal interest, so if there's some new revelation, I'll post it.
But I'm going to also allow myself to take an early weekend if nothing actually big breaks. If it's just more cumulative drip-by-drip, I'll probably just let you-all note it yourselves in the comments.
Oh, from Pastafarian, this is pretty funny.