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August 25, 2016
Hillary Delivering Speech Connecting Donald Trump to "Alt-Right;" Releases Ad Connecting Him to the KKK
The ad is here.
CNN's livestream of the speech (well in progress) is here. (Fox doesn't have one.)
She's saying now "his latest, paranoid fever-dream is about my health. And all I can say is, Donald, Dream On."
She's now referencing the ad she previously released connecting Breitbart to Trump, and running some of its more outre headlines.
She's now citing no less an authority than the Southern Poverty Law Center for the proposition that Breitbart.com is a fringe racist organization.
Democrat now announcing that no major party has ever stoked racial superiority. A Democrat is claiming this. Right now.
Oh by the way, definitely check out Sexton's piece to see the left's shifting standards on whether guilt by association is fair game. They were pretty sure guilt by association was just despicable in 2008, when Obama's close association with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers came to light.
In fact, they're selectively against it now -- why you can't hold Huma Abedin against Hillary Clinton, or Huma Abedin's extremist, Muslim-Brotherhood-friendly family against Huma!