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August 23, 2016
State Department Spokesman Straight-Up Lies About Findings of Corrupt Purpose in Iran Edit Scandal
From Fox News, John Sexton digests the latest episode in, get this, the State Department straight-up lying to cover up its previous lies.
Kirby added: “There’s no evidence to suggest [the deletion] was made with the intent to conceal information from the public and … there is no evidence to indicate who might have placed that call or why.”
What Kirby omitted was that the legal adviser’s report — shared with news organizations on condition they not publish it in full — did indeed contain evidence to indicate why the unidentified supervisor demanded the deletion, in a section of the report captioned “Evidence of Purposeful Editing.”
“The technician did not recall a reason being given for the edit request,” the report stated, “but did believe that the requester had mentioned in the course of the call a Fox network reporter and Iran.” The report continued: “The technician indicated that the requester may also have provided the start and end times for an edit.”