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August 22, 2016
Eggheads: Women are Genetically Programmed to be Unfaithful
Well, dudes, you're pencil-necks. Of course they're programmed to cheat on you.
But these are their claims:
Women are predisposed by their genetics to have affairs as "back-up plans'" if their relationships fail...
The team's research has put forward the "mate-switching-hypothesis" which says humans have evolved to keep testing their relationships and looking for better long-term options.
Dr Buss said: "Affairs serve as a form of mate insurance, keeping a back-up mate should a switch become warranted in the future.’
"A regular mate may cheat, defect, die, or decline in mate value.
"Ancestral women lacking a back-up mate would have suffered a lapse in protection, and resources."
Not to mention: The D.