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August 17, 2016
Real or Parody?
Apparently some idiot blog published a movie review of the Seth Rogen stoner animation comedy (I guess the "stoner" part is implied with Seth Rogan) Sausage Party.
Selma Hayek plays, apparently, a lesbian taco. Whatever. But like all the "ethnic food" characters are so over-the-top most people view them as subversions of stereotypes.
So this stupid blog published this dumb review I guess saying Selma Hayek's portrayal of an over-the-top Hispanic caricature who was also a lesbian taco was surprisingly nuanced or something.
Then the Social Justice Warrior brigades descended, and this stupid jackassblog recanted the review.
Is this real? Is this fake? Is this a dark dream, or an even darker reality?
You make the call -- but this post purportedly attempts to explain the furore over a surprisingly tender portrayal of a lesbian Latina taco.
heather: also i wonder if the taco is bisexual
i can’t believe i am having this much of a crisis about this!
Yvonne: i get it though!
because sausage party is crass
heather: yes
Yvonne: like people in our community can critique the hell out of it
and pick it apart
heather: yes
Yvonne: because it’s meant for stupid fucking men
heather: yes!
thank you, yes
that is my feelings exactly
They explain that their "Latinx" commenters found the film to be a microagression in its racism and propagation of stereotypes that cause harm.
After we published the review, we heard from Latinx readers who believe the portrayal of Salma Hayek’s taco was racist and that it reinforced harmful stereotypes. We heard from readers who were upset that we labeled the taco a lesbian when it seems more likely that she was bisexual. We heard from readers who questioned the consent of the sexual encounter between the taco and the hot dog bun. We heard from readers who found the taco to be a damaging portrayal of a predatory queer woman.
Just to note again: the queer woman in question is not a woman.
She (Xhe?) is a taco.
"Stupid fucking men" could not be reached for comment at the time of this article's publication.
via the Hemingways. Not the writer. Well they are writers, but not that writer.