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July 30, 2016
This Just In: Bad Guys Commit Crimes...Good Guys Don't [CBD]
And Gun Thread, because you reprobates will turn it into one anyway.....
Vast majority of guns recovered by Pittsburgh police not in possession of legal owners
Nearly 80 percent of perpetrators carrying a gun recovered by Pittsburgh Police were not the lawful owners, a strong indication that theft and trafficking are significant sources of firearms involved in crimes in southwest Pennsylvania, a new University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health analysis reveals.
But the authors couldn't be content to report the numbers....they had to toss in the obligatory sneering oblique reference to the mantra of the academy: "We must do more about guns!" Never mind that they have the answer at their fingertips. Just enforce existing laws against...you know....theft!
Given the pandemic threat in the United States of firearm violence, immediate improvement in firearm surveillance is needed to save lives. It is estimated that there are more than 300 million guns in the U.S. And we know that firearm production is increasing. In 2013, nearly 11 million firearms were manufactured in the U.S., more than double the number produced in 2008.
This Orwellian statement suggests very little that doesn't run counter to the U.S. Constitution, and ignores the large amount of data that suggest firearm violence is decreasing. And if anyone can explain what "firearm surveillance" means, other than the obvious...registration and regular visits from our friendly neighborhood BATF SWAT teams, I'm all ears.
There is a AoSHQ Platinum membership with Troll-B-GonTM and ampersand utility for any Moron who finds some other holes in their interpretation of the data.
And take a look at a linked study in the lower left, conducted by Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Repeal of Missouri's background check law associated with increase in state's murders.
So we are to accept as dispassionate and unbiased research, a study that correlates complex societal events with the repeal of a single law that was in most respects duplicative of Federal and other laws, done by a school funded by and named after the most famous anti-gun politician in the United States.
I promise...just the tip!
And because this is a really nice looking pistol that Aetius451AD really, really needs.
posted by Open Blogger at
11:30 AM
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