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July 26, 2016
Overnight Open Thread (7-26-2016)
Quote of the Day I - Motives Unclear Edition
Such is the state of affairs in Germany right now that there were two horrifying attacks by refugees in a single day yesterday. A Syrian refugee in a town south of Stuttgart murdered a pregnant woman with a meat cleaver and then attacked strangers in the street, wounding two people before he was hit by a car and arrested. Police have said the motive in that case was personal.
The second attack took place Sunday evening at an open air concert in the city of Ansbach where a suicide bomber, 27-year-old Mohammad Daleel, killed himself and injured 15 people. Authorities have now found a video in which the bomber pledged allegiance to ISIS.
Quote of the Day II
The circumstances of the attack raise yet more questions about the French government's response to the threat of terrorism. One of the attackers reportedly was a convicted terrorist being monitored with an electronic tag while living with his parents. He was allowed out unsupervised between 8.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. The mass he attacked began at 9 a.m.
--from In Normandy ISIS "Soldiers" Slit Priest's Throat, Take Nuns Hostage
Quote of the Day III
CalPERS on Monday announced a preliminary net return of 0.61% for the fiscal year ended June 30. The latest fiscal-year return, coming on top of 2.4% in the prior year, means CalPERS has not met its expected 7.5% rate of return for the last 20 years, Ted Eliopoulos, chief investment officer, disclosed Monday at a press briefing on the returns.
-- from The California Pension Bomb Just Got More Explosive
These days CalPERS management is mainly focused on important things like getting more climate change activists onto corporate boards and divesting from icky firearms-related companies.
The Great Transgender Cover-up at the DNC
The all-gender bathrooms are a convention-only sham and literally a cover-up. Note though that they only made the women's bathrooms all-gender - the men's bathrooms were left alone. Which is terrible.
[quickly flashes secret bro-dude attaboy sign to the peeps behind this]

Many patriarchs will know what it is to be smashed this week I can tell you.
New British Prime Minister Bats Around Her Socialist Opponent in Debate
You never see this kind of debate in Congress and in fact our system seems designed to prevent it. Instead we get stuff like this:
Leaked Emails: Politico's Ken Vogel Filed Story with DNC Before His Own Editors

Report: ISIS Recruiter Openly Visited Danish Refugee Center Looking For Fighters
Speaking to DR Bornholm, former Danish intelligence service PET chief Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen said that this was both a rare and serious incident. ...He finds the whole episode to be an unlikely or at least ill-conceived attempt at radicalising people, however.
"Isis wouldn't be dumb enough to allow a man to go around telling strangers he is working on their behalf. Presenting yourself as a member of a terrorist organisation is almost a violation of the law."
The Poles Don't Seem to Love This Pope So Much
San Francisco Area Bans Fracking, Even Though It Doesn't Actually Frack
Because you can never be too sure.
Gavin McInnes Piles On: I Predicted Ghostbusters Would Suck, And I Was Right
Also ghosts don't actually have balls.
Canada Orders Comedian To Pay Singer $35,000 For Offensive Joke
National Union of Students Strips Jewish Students of Right to Choose Their Representative
Perfectly normal, perfectly reasonable, nothing to see here. Now how about we all enjoy some nice halal snacks during the break.
The Ramen of the Gods Meets Utterly Shameless Plagiarism
But then ROTG sold out and went all corporate. USP is still pretty cool though.

When Flare Gun Duels Go Awry
I mean they were doing it in kayaks in the barracks' pool - what could possibly go wrong?
Psychic Miss Cleo - Dead at 53
Insert didn't see it coming joke here. But then most people don't see colon cancer coming either.

Top Ten Places Not to Jump Out of the Vehicle For a Look-See...#1 A Big Cat Safari Park...
The Yahoo group is for closers only.
Teh Tweet!
Tonight's post brought to you by a little t-bones and beer:

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posted by Maetenloch at
10:22 PM
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