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July 22, 2016
American Satisfaction in Country Drops from Horrific 29% to Abysmal 17%; Right-Leaning #SmartSet Complains Trump's Tone Was Too "Dark"
Fingers on the pulse of the national mood, these guys have.
Last night I observed of the #SmartSet's (and CNN's) finding that the speech was "too dark:" "I congratulate those of you living in comfortable circumstances that many Americans do not."
Various geniuses -- geniuses because they had the acumen to open a Twitter account -- pronounced that a good convention speech should have "uplift" in it. Many -- including the dummies at CNN -- contrasted Trump's speech unfavorably with Reagan's "Morning in America" theme.
Here's the problem with that: It's fucking stupid. "Morning in America" was Reagan's 1984 election theme. That was the happy, uplifting campaign, because the country was doing well and Reagan already had the job as presidency.
OF course he's going to paint an uplifting picture! If he painted a "dark" picture, he'd be criticizing himself.
But what was his 1980 theme, when he was the insurgent, trying to kick Jimmy Carter out of office?
Well: It was a searing indictment of America under Carter. It was, in fact, dark.
And how could it not be? You can't convince a country to make an abrupt change in direction until you have convince them that the present circumstances are no longer tolerable.
This is obvious.
But our genius #SmartSet doesn't get it.
One of the reasons they're plugging for this ridiculous theory is that it serves to push their Water-Fueled Robot Boy favorite, Marco Rubio, a famous happy-talker.
As I said many times: One of the problems I had with Rubio was his sunshiney-everything's-happy tone. If everything is sunny, shiny, and happy, Marco, why would I bother changing the current political team in charge of the country?
If they have America in this swell of a shape, why shouldn't I keep them in charge?
Anyway, if you don't believe me about Reagan, here's his 1980 convention speech. Not his sunny "Keep me office" 1984 speech; this is his dark, angry "this other guy sucks and is destroying everything" 1980 speech.
By the way, the #SmartSet is angry because Trump, by "running down" America, seems to be saying America isn't great right now. And it is, darn it!!!
Reagan's 1980 campaign theme? "Let's Make America Great."
As if it wasn't so great under Carter. As if it needed to be made great.
And just remember this the next time you get your information from CNN or the slightly more liberal GOP #SmartSet.
So here you go: Here's that sunny, uplifting, Gee Isn't America Doing Swell Under Jimmy Carter speech Reagan gave in 1980. Feel the Rubibot Happytalk.