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July 20, 2016
Overnight Open Thread (7-20-2016)
Quote of the Day I - DoD Instruction 1300.28 Edition
Ah, I remember my own days in the military fondly, but one of the biggest adjustments we had to make was learning that there was a set of instructions for doing everything from operating heavy machinery to washing your socks. Hey. that's just military life for you. There's always a manual to be referred to and if you get confused, there's a manual listing all of the manuals. Take for example the rules about getting a sex change operation. You'll want to make sure that you've checked in with the correct sources and.
Wait a minute. What was that again? A sex change manual for the military?
Bio-Quote of the Day II
For 2016, the Navy has purchased just under 80 million gallons of the 10/90 biofuel blend, about 6 percent of the 1.3 billion gallons of fuel the Navy uses annually. The Navy paid $2.05 per gallon, which is roughly in line with the cost of regular marine diesel thanks to robust biofuel subsidies from the US government, though that hasn't satisfied the program's detractors. "There's more important shit to spend money on in the military, period," says US Representative Duncan Hunter, a Marine Corps veteran and Republican congressman from San Diego, principal homeport of the Navy's Pacific Fleet.
He describes the decision-makers behind the Great Green Fleet as "all the smartest guys that went to the John F. Kennedy School of Smart People," and calls their interest in biofuels "just stupid."
Flag-Burning Protester in Cleveland Accidentally Sets Self On Fire
Which reminds me of this classic Reno 911! scene.
I'm Reasonably Sure That Flinging Your Pee At Someone Is Not The Same As Presenting A Persuasive Argument

Shocker: German Axe Attacker/Refugee Turns Out to Have Lied About His Age, Country of Origin
Clinton VP Contender Won't Be Punished, Said He Didn't 'Intend' To Break Federal Law
This whole no-intent loophole thing seems useful. I must look into it.
47 Years Ago a Young Woman Was Left to Drown by the Lion of the Senate
Democrats and the media lionized Kennedy even though they knew what he had done. They did so because his politics were good, and that washes away all sins on the left - because on the left, the only sin is for one's politics to be incorrect.
Don't worry - He Says He's Really Sorry Now
What's the deal with sports writers and unhinged hatred.

Umm No
Two thoughts: 1) when Nigeria no longer takes $339 million dollars in aid every year from the just the US alone, they can have a space program and 2) the Financial Times apparently does not have a drug testing policy.
How bad off is Nigeria? This bad.

What's the Creepiest/Craziest Thing You've Heard Over the Radio?
The receiving Radio Tokyo decades after the war story is a good one.
In the Midst of a Heat Wave Britain Debates Whether It's Okay to Sunbathe in Your Underwear
Sometimes the only difference between a bra and a bikini top is the label. And price.

Studies Find That Acupuncture No More Effective at Pain Relief Than Placebos
But it's also cheaper than many placebos and gets good patient satisfaction ratings.
Why They Never Evolved Part IX: Booze-Loving African Chimps Make Special Tools So They Can Get Drunk
6 Things That Are Not Going Smoothly

The Group knows your sins but doesn't care.
Tonight's post brought to you by tricky idols:

Notice: Posted by implicit permission of AceCorp LLC. Now looking for volunteers to run the AoSHQ Urban Achievers back-to-school carwash.

posted by Maetenloch at
11:32 PM
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