Village Idiot's Apprentice:
"So day three of the Life-With-Kittens saga is a wr ..."
Ciampino - Si Ispettore, dorme con i pesci:
"Why Skittles, Cheez-Its and other snacks could get ..."
Adriane the I Think It Is Obvious Critic . . . :
"May the road rise to meet you, only figuratively, ..."
"Fuck the unions used to be my mantra as well but n ..."
Village Idiot's Apprentice:
"G'morning, all! ..."
Skip :
"Clear out, see Orion's Belt, at least I think it i ..."
Adriane the I Think It Is Obvious Critic . . . :
"Oy. Borrowed … ..."
Adriane the I Think It Is Obvious Critic . . . :
"I narrowed my school friend’s salad shooter. ..."
Ciampino - Si Ispettore, ho dormito come una marmotta:
"New NASA images reveal giant hole in Curiosity rov ..."
Skip :
"Trying to finish 1/2 of my coffee and get outta he ..."
"10 You know Pixy, you keep being in favor of free ..."
Ciampino - Si Ispettore, ho fatto una buona dormita :
"Starship news
Use the link below and scroll down ..."