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July 16, 2016
Progressive/Socialist/Communist Links To The BLM Movement [CBD]
This article is six months old, and the information has been ignored by the MSM for, oh, six months. Not that there is anything earth-shaking, but the web of connections between BLM and the usual suspects is a little depressing. Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter Is a familiar litany of progressive manipulation of any organization they deem powerful enough to use against the capitalist West.
George Santayana is chuckling right now. How many times must we observe the identical tactic before we realize that the goal of progressives is the destruction of the West..."by any means necessary"...
What is sad is that the use of Black America as a blunt object with which to beat capitalism to death originated with the party of slavery, not the communists, although nowadays it's hard to tell them apart. I wonder what LBJ would think, 50 years after he began the destruction of a vibrant and growing Black middle class?
As our very own J.J. Sefton says...
So, beyond the waste of money, the real tragedy is the utter waste of human potential. Not just for denying the nation and the world the people who could potentially cure cancer, invent incredible technologies, start amazing enterprises, give us music and art or even bring about real peace between peoples, but of ordinary folks like Bill and Lottie Moore whose presence touched at least one life and left the world a better place for being there.
That truly is a crime against humanity. And the guilty party is the Democrat Left.

posted by Open Blogger at
10:15 AM
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