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June 21, 2016
It Is Time For A National Conversation On How Stupid And Ugly Our Current Crop Of Neo-Nazis Is [CBD]
Ugly shirt. Awful choice of colors for the tie (ignoring the profoundly effeminate choice of a bow tie), geek glasses, a retro 1920s English-waiter-teeth look. And how about getting a hair cut? Or are those scraggly bangs just hiding the zits you popped this morning? Oh...didn't your mother teach you to close your mouth when you aren't speaking? Nobody wants to look at your teeth Dylan ol' buddy. They are undoubtedly furry from lack of dental hygiene. But that's probably okay, because no woman would get within five feet of you without some pressing business reason, or perhaps the $200 on the side-table.
But what is really nauseating about you is your happiness with the idea that we are not a free people, governed by laws of our own making. You seem to be comfortable with a despot ruling your world. Perhaps you ought to move to North Korea or Saudi Arabia, where the rulers really rule!
This is not Dems' sales pitch but I'm totally down with letting the prez unilaterally ban people (hopefully everyone!) from buying guns...
The "prez" is a vomit-inducing diminutive, just so he can demonstrate that he is "down with" Obama and his desire to be Robert Mugabe.
But I'm not down with Dylan, the millennial ass-hat. He is exactly the person who Ace was discussing yesterday, who will be replaced by an off-the-shelf software package in about five years.
An awful lot of "mindworker" workers, who think they're splitting atoms simply because their jobs involve the simple manipulation of language grammar rules, are going to soon learn [they're] drudges and as easily replaced as a McDonald's order-taker.
What Dylan really, really doesn't understand about unilateral decisions is that they lead to things like gulags and concentration camps. And people like Dylan -- willing fools -- are often guests in those camps.
posted by Open Blogger at
07:14 PM
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