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Mizzou Embarrasses Itself Again »
June 16, 2016
Open Thread
So I got out the adhesive contact lenses. They glue them to your eyes for protection. My eyes had reacted badly to them and got very inflamed and blodshot. I should get better now that they're out but I still can't see print.
Sorry, I did not realize this would be week of healing before I could see.
On the plus side, when I put in moistening eye drops, I can see well for about five seconds before everthing gets fuzzy again.
I'm kind of like Arya Stark -- blind, isolated, and not worth following for the past seven years.
Meager improvement: I put drops in my eyes and I was actually able to read. For five seconds.
Oh: My doctor was very understated. He called my red-as-wine eyes "a little inflamed" and when I couldn't even read the big E on the eye chart he acknowledged my progress was "on the slower side."
That was almost as understated as the surgeon telling me "the next two days are going to be rough" right before the surgery. It was the first time anyone had really brought that up.