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June 14, 2016
Russians Hack DNC Server And Steal Trump Oppo Research
Don't worry, there's no chance they got anything off Hillary's home brew email set up.
Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.
The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system they also were able to read all e-mail and chat traffic, said DNC officials and the security experts.
The intrusion into the DNC was one of several targeting American political organizations. The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers of some GOP political action committees, U.S. officials said. But details on those cases were not available.
If Ace were posting this he'd do a list of funny things the Russians learned from the file. But he's not. So you're out of luck on that one.

posted by DrewM. at
11:43 AM
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