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It's Five O'Clock Somewhere [Y-not] »
June 13, 2016
Marco Rubio: You Know, This Terror Attack Really Makes You Think About Things. Like Family, Friends, Staying In The Senate. That Kind Of Thing.
The graveyard is filled with indispensable men, Senator. We'll be fine without you.
From the Hugh Hewitt show.
HH: Does this horror change in any way your resolve not to seek reelection, Senator?
MR: You know, I haven’t even given it thought in that perspective other than to say that I’ve been deeply impacted by it, and I think when it visits your home state, and it impacts a community you know well, it really gives you pause to think a little bit about, you know, your service to your country and where you can be most useful to your country. We live in a very dramatic moment in our history. I think we’re at a tipping point here moving into the next election. Irrespective of who the next president is, I think we’re going to face some real foreign policy challenges, given some of the things both of the candidates have outlined. So you know, obviously I haven’t thought about it from a political perspective, but it most certainly has impacted my thinking in general about a lot of things.
Rubio said he was frustrated in the Senate because of how Harry Reid ran it and Barack Obama wouldn't sign anything useful. Well, it's not going to be any better under Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton.
He has until June 24th to file to necessary paperwork.

posted by DrewM. at
05:05 PM
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