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June 06, 2016
Trump's An Idiot
Trump questions Dogmas that shouldn't be questioned in the heat of a political season, because there's not time to unpack all the assumptions and examine them before the elections.
But they should be examined nonetheless. This is the stupidest time for doing so, but as we've not done so for 100 years, perhaps we trouble ourselves to think about these things, rather than repeating our Class Received Wisdom about them?
Furthermore, Trump's mind is, shall we say, not particularly burdened by deep thought. He cannot give good answers for any of the questions he stupidly trips over.
But the fact that Trump can't answer the questions he inadvertently -- clumsily -- ineptly -- kicks up into live controversies is no excuse for someone who brands himself a thinker not to do that thinking on his own.
There are a lot of very lazy people for whom the answer "Well Trump doesn't have the answer, so that settles it!" is a comforting excuse from their own homework-doing.
But actual thinkers should not be put off from doing thinking just because an obvious dullard doesn't have the answer himself.
You can't point at Trump's not doing his homework as an excuse for your own refusal to do it.
For a long time, it has just been The Accepted Way that one could casually denigrate or find fault with White's thinking in the leftist-moderated media, but one could not do so about any other race.
Well, this is unacceptable. In fact, it was always unacceptable, but Trump has blundered his stupid way into making us confront the unacceptability of this.
So, either the media chatterers can renounce themselves for having said "The jury was mostly white" a thousand times before, or they can shut the fuck up about it now.
But no, this has never been acceptable.
I don't really care what new rule is adopted -- whether it's that we're all more Racially Circumspect in public, or we're permitted to occasionally (shock! horror!) think something negative about someone of a different gender or race without it being a Screaming Twitter Event -- but I must insist that this same rule apply to all, equally.
I will go with either new rule. But I must insist on all the latitudes afforded to everyone else, or else I must insist that all the restrictions on myself be imposed with equal punitiveness on all others as well.
These bullshit "Just because" or "Oh you know why" wink-wink rationales don't cut it any longer.
No, I don't know why. I don't know why I have "Privilege" and yet Spike Lee, for example, does not.
You'll have to explain.
Yes-- you will have to explain. No more of this simple, unceasing assertion of the claim.
You'll have to justify it, not merely assert it until the end of time.
I continue to note... that "This guy's a Hispanic, so you know what that means, right? Likely Democratic Partisan" is not what I'd consider your classic sort of "racist" slur.
If this is now "racist," then what is not?
Is it sexist to assume that a woman is liberal leaning -- even when poll after poll demonstrates that to be true?
I know, on the other hand, you can assume whatever you want about white men -- whenever Slate or Vox do their "How to Deal With Your Morally Repugnant, Intellectually Stunted Relations This Holiday Seasons," they are always quite specific in casting the malefactor as an older white heterosexual male.
Why are white males expected to just shrug this off and not be such babies about it when everyone else is expected to be Very Big Babies About It indeed?
Safe Space Kitten of the Day: